Chat Transcripts


Intro Chat



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User Timestamp Message
{Howard, Kamyala}06:54:00 pmgood evening
Ritnorakan, Piyatida06:58:23 pmGood evening!
Jensen, Nichole07:00:05 pmhi
Cole, Katie07:01:06 pmhello
Hofmann, Alexis07:01:13 pmHi
Sefcik, Rachel07:01:34 pmHello!
{Howard, Kamyala}07:01:36 pmBefore we get started I noticed that only one person answered the discussion board. We only meet a few times in this course compared to your regular classes so completing all of your assignments are extremely important. Did you have issues logging into it?
Sefcik, Rachel07:02:53 pmI didn’t realize it was there until it was too late. The syllabus has last year’s dates. I just got confused.
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:02:58 pmHmm.. I am just now realizing there was a discussion board. Is it still possible to complete it?
Cole, Katie07:03:58 pmI completely spaced it. We are trying to close out a program year and it slipped my mind until tonight when I saw it was closed.
Jensen, Nichole07:03:40 pmI noticed classes are defaulting to the last class when logging in. I voiced this issue with the last class. It means we have to dig for assignment dates to make sure we are getting everything done. The class information and class dates all referenced last year's dates as well. These issues combined make it difficult to know when things are due for sure.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:04:18 pmI do not have the capacity to open it. Tommorow I can ask ETL if that is possible to open it for a day. I will also make sure you have the most updated version of the syllabus
{Howard, Kamyala}07:05:15 pmeveryone that is here please send me an email at and I will email you the most updated syllabus.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:05:45 pmI will ask the discussion board question during our chat tonight. Just for today.
Jensen, Nichole07:05:28 pmWe were also told at the end of our last class we wouldn't have class until August. So, I'm guessing people may not have been checking the class. This also might be why there appear to be a lot of people missing from class today.
Hofmann, Alexis07:05:54 pmI thought the discussion opened today, after this first class.
Jensen, Nichole07:05:51 pmAlexis that's how it's been for our previous classes.
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:06:47 pmYes, I thought so too, Nichole!
Hofmann, Alexis07:07:02 pmThen I might have assumed it was.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:07:29 pmSo, let's hit a reset as my styles and expecatations may be different from others. Good evening everyone I go by Kamy and I will be facilitating the 4 chat classes for your capstone project
Hofmann, Alexis07:07:45 pmHello Kamy!
Sefcik, Rachel07:08:40 pmOk, sounds good!
{Howard, Kamyala}07:08:48 pmplease email me at and I will forward you the lasts syllabus. Moving forward please read the syllabus ahead of time and follow it. Sometimes other teachers get confused about dates so please reach out to me directly with questions about this course
{Howard, Kamyala}07:09:14 pmI will tell you a little about what to expect and then I will open it up for classes.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:09:53 pmYou will have an assignment due in 2 days. The most efficient way to submit it is to email it to me. Therefore I am guaranteed to get it.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:10:49 pmThis assignment is Extremely important. Based on your answers I will be pairing you up with an advisor who you will work with until the completion of your project,
Jensen, Nichole07:10:48 pmCan you clarify the assignment. The only thing I am seeing as an assignment is listed as due for December 1st.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:11:15 pmEveryone following me so far 🙂 if so let me know by *
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:11:27 pm*
Sefcik, Rachel07:11:34 pm*
Hofmann, Alexis07:11:42 pmI second Nichole
{Howard, Kamyala}07:11:43 pm Assignment: Due July 26, 2024 ● Based on your readings, chat discussions, and discussion board, determine which project ideas intrigued your interest the most. Provide your rationale in your assignment. Perform a preliminary research on a project idea. Evaluate what support or resources you may need throughout the capstone project to ensure your success.
Hofmann, Alexis07:11:58 pmThank you
{Howard, Kamyala}07:12:08 pmplease read and * if you understand.
Hofmann, Alexis07:12:15 pm*
Sefcik, Rachel07:12:18 pm*
{Howard, Kamyala}07:12:21 pmI will then proceed with directions
Jensen, Nichole07:12:23 pm*
{Howard, Kamyala}07:13:12 pmThanks!
Cole, Katie07:13:49 pm*
{Howard, Kamyala}07:13:48 pmSo you will have until Dec 6th to complete your project. I know it seems like alot of time but the dates go by fast. Please do not wait until the end to start.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:14:35 pmThis class and project will determine if you pass the entire credential so it is essential! You will have support from your advisor the entire time
{Howard, Kamyala}07:15:48 pmYou role is to continue contact with your advisor work with them individual or group. You and your advisors can decide. On a project idea that will benefit growth, expand programming....think about something you always wanted to get done but never had the time or capactiy
{Howard, Kamyala}07:15:58 pma few examples of previous projects include
{Howard, Kamyala}07:17:28 pmNew staff orientation training, binder, on-board process, strategies for relieving stress and self care, tracking childrens progress, parent handbook, staff handbook, marketing materials...the list is endless. Consider what is also feasible, what you have the actual capacity to do
{Howard, Kamyala}07:17:41 pmYall still with me 🙂 *
Jensen, Nichole07:17:25 pm*
Cole, Katie07:18:03 pm*
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:18:16 pm*
Sefcik, Rachel07:18:26 pm*
Hofmann, Alexis07:18:29 pm*
{Howard, Kamyala}07:19:13 pmUsually I teach other courses before the Capstone so I get to know you all ahead of time. But I hope you are taking advantage of one another. Consider each other as a small community of support
{Howard, Kamyala}07:19:46 pmConnect with each other as some of you may choose similiar projects and you can support each other
Hofmann, Alexis07:20:09 pmSpeaking of that, after class if some of you want to exchange numbers or like snapchats or something so we can connect outside of class to support eachother, I'm down for it. I could use it some days
{Howard, Kamyala}07:20:13 pmSorry I am so wordy tonight but I want to make sure I am setting you up for success
{Howard, Kamyala}07:20:24 pm@Alexis great idea
Hofmann, Alexis07:20:27 pmI appreciate that Kamy
{Howard, Kamyala}07:20:36 pmif you would like to share email lets do so now
Cole, Katie07:21:07 is my email.
Hofmann, Alexis07:21:06
Jensen, Nichole07:20:45
{Howard, Kamyala}07:21:06 pmAs you share your email write some of your interest areas in the chat
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:21:26 pmOkay! mine is
Cole, Katie07:22:43 pmI want to look into making an updated more digitally friendly home visit plan for our home visitors that goes with the new curriculum we started last year.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:22:44 pmLets take a moment to throw out some areas that interest you that can be a potential project. If you see someone with a similiar interest connect with each other
Hofmann, Alexis07:23:25 pmI want to better my enrollment process, from when they tour to actual enrollment because right now it's such a mess
Hofmann, Alexis07:23:33 pmThat and when they start
{Howard, Kamyala}07:23:34 pm@Katie that is a great idea. Though with the recent technical outages people may bring out the old pen and paper 🙂 kidding
Jensen, Nichole07:23:20 pmA complete Policy and Procedure handbook update.
Cole, Katie07:24:58 pmI had thought of that Kamy when I had originally started thinking about my project and I want a way to make it if needed they can print and still bring with them but upload at a later time if need be. We are rather remote where I am at and sometimes our visitors aren't in places that have the best service anyway.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:25:03 pm@Alexis creating a structured process is another great idea. I think first impressions matter and the more organized you are especially for first time parents, increases opportunities to build consistency and relationships from the beginning
Sefcik, Rachel07:26:14 new staff orientation, binder, marketing, policies and procedures organization, marketing materials,
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:26:16 pmMine would be similar to that too, @Nichole.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:27:02 pm@Katie I still think it is a great idea. I am not sure of your population so you may want to create a back plan for parents that English is not their primary language, or that are not as comfortable with technology or even creating on a short training for familiarizing parents with the online process
Sefcik, Rachel07:28:19 pmEnrollment for me as well.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:28:49 pm@Rachel you can get create with new staff orientation, do away with the boring check off list and training manuals, add videos, some self paced options through google classroom, added opportunities for new staff to share about their interest. Think outside of the box may also open up time for the staff responsible for training new staff
{Howard, Kamyala}07:29:45 pmLets pause for a moment and reflect on some of the ideas that your classmates have shared. Do you seen anyone that may have a similiare idea as you. That might be a good person to pair up with
Sefcik, Rachel07:29:54 pmI like that! Thank you! Wevarevstillmeirking on opening our center so starting out with a smoother process would be great!
Sefcik, Rachel07:30:15 pm*Still working on
{Howard, Kamyala}07:30:18 pmOhhh I also had a person work on a support manual with material to help staff deal with challenging behaviors
Sefcik, Rachel07:30:48 pmThat’s a good one too!
Hofmann, Alexis07:30:48 pmThe behavior one is another thing. Staff are starting to be stressed with behaviors.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:30:48 pmI started my career in early education so new projects get me excited
{Howard, Kamyala}07:31:36 pmConsider creating topic specific training and development on trauma or diverse families and ideas for creating environments that are culturally inclusive and responsive
{Howard, Kamyala}07:32:14 pm@Alexis and you could add tips for staff to cope with stress and increase compassion for self going beyond self-care
{Howard, Kamyala}07:32:23 pmThese are all great idea
{Howard, Kamyala}07:32:56 pmI am going to ask a few questions from the syllabus that may be helpful in your thought process. *
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:33:07 pm*
Sefcik, Rachel07:33:09 pm*
Hofmann, Alexis07:33:16 pmI actually do monthly self care treats, ideas, things like that for the staff but adding connection to the work place may be better.
Hofmann, Alexis07:33:21 pm*
Jensen, Nichole07:33:05 pm*
Cole, Katie07:33:33 pm*
{Howard, Kamyala}07:35:09 pmAre there any barriers or challenges that may compromise you completing the project. TIME will always be an issue so I am a person that needs to create deadlines for self. I am going to admit my biggest personal challenge is being a procrastinator. My name is Kamy Howard and yep I am a whooo feels good to say out how about you?
Toby, Shirley07:35:54 pmWhy is it important to have a policy in you early learning program
Hofmann, Alexis07:35:59 pmI am a procrastinator. If I'm not in a rush to do it, it's not important. Lol
Cole, Katie07:36:35 pmI too like to wait on things. Deadlines sneak up and then I panic to get it done
Sefcik, Rachel07:36:46 pmOverthinking. Trying to figure it out on my own too long before I ask questions/ask for help.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:36:46 pmAs you identify your barrier make a promise to yourself and strategize some ideas a head of time that help you
{Howard, Kamyala}07:37:09 pmConsider pairing up and being an accountability partner for each other
Cole, Katie07:37:33 pm@Rachel I do that too. So not only do I wait....I worry it isn't done correctly or well enough
{Howard, Kamyala}07:37:47 pm@Rachel that is a good one. So maybe you want to check in with someone in the class or even someone on your site to help you
Sefcik, Rachel07:38:08 pmYes, exactly what I do, Katie!
Jensen, Nichole07:38:11 pmI'd have to say that my job is not just running the preschool. I also go on home visits, create curriculum for our K-3 program, do staff training 3 times a month (for everyone from our data team, home visitors, communication, and preschool), write grants, run a social media account for parents, and more as part of my position. So while yes, time will be an issue, it's more of the how do I fit an additional thing into the time when we are potentially looking to hire someone to support my role due to everything I do.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:38:48 pmHave you all heard of the term Good Enough Parent? Well there are good enough educators. Ask yourself have you given it your best. Is there someone else onsite that has some of the skill you need to help.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:40:36 pm@nichole this will be a sacrifice for sure. Outside of teaching this course I run a fulltime one woman ran consulting firm. My best advise is prioritize! There is a reason you are here! What does completion mean to you? Make your project meaningful so that it may ease some tasks in the future
{Howard, Kamyala}07:41:21 pmI had to take a nap before tonights course because I taught for 18 hours this past week. It can be exhausting. But I feel so fulfilled because I know I have planted seeds.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:41:46 pmCommunication is KEY if you are struggling early please reach out to your advisor!!! and me
{Howard, Kamyala}07:41:55 pm*
Sefcik, Rachel07:42:09 pm*
Cole, Katie07:42:21 pm*
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:42:30 pm*
Hofmann, Alexis07:42:41 pm*
{Howard, Kamyala}07:42:43 pmHow familiar are you with Capstones? basically an independent professional project? What skills or techniques do you want to learn or improve?
{Howard, Kamyala}07:43:10 pmRemember this can be a new project or revamping something that is already in place
Sefcik, Rachel07:43:25 pm*
Cole, Katie07:43:33 pmNot very familiar with them but I am excited to dive into it more and make some progress on this project that has been a discussion for a couple of years now
Sefcik, Rachel07:43:44 pmFirst timer.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:43:52 pmLet's recap next steps..
Jensen, Nichole07:43:33 pmIt feels similar to what I did for my Master's Degree
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:43:59 pmNot too familiar either.
Hofmann, Alexis07:44:08 pmDon't have experience with capstone but have been trying to create a professional thing to grow and better myself/practice
{Howard, Kamyala}07:44:11 pm1. please email me so that I can send you the most updated syllabus
{Howard, Kamyala}07:44:34 pm@Nichole I got my masters in 2011 and glad those days are over
{Howard, Kamyala}07:45:20 pm2. please please please turn in your assignment due on the 26th and email it to me. Please give me a week to read through and I will send you an email introducing you to your advisor.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:46:08 pmI finally have enough advisors so I wont be taking on any students this course. But that is a benefit so I can be an extra resource to all of you and boy do I love sharing resources
Jensen, Nichole07:46:08 pmJust to clarify, there is not a place listed in the class to turn in any assignments or directions for any assignments due on the 26th. This will be listed in the syllabus and we are to email it to you.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:46:51 pm3. once you received you assigned advisor reach out to them and set up a time to meet over the phone virtually etc. Please do so within a week of the email i send out
{Howard, Kamyala}07:47:30 pm@Nichole yes, this is why I said it is more efficient to email me directly.. Therefore I am guaranteed to get it
{Howard, Kamyala}07:47:38
Hofmann, Alexis07:47:45 pmPerfect
Cole, Katie07:47:54 pmSounds good
{Howard, Kamyala}07:48:23 pm4. Trash the old syllabus and follow the one that I email out.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:48:52 pmI am going to give you all credit just this one time for the discussion board, but moving forward they are due the day before class
{Howard, Kamyala}07:49:08 pm5. PLEASE READ THE SYLLABUS!!!!
Sefcik, Rachel07:49:08 pmOk, thank you!
Hofmann, Alexis07:49:10 pmThank you. I appreciate it.
Cole, Katie07:49:25 pmThank you
{Howard, Kamyala}07:49:28 pmWe only meet 4 times so it is important for you to keep track of the class dates.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:49:36 pmHow are you all feeling thus far?
Sefcik, Rachel07:49:46 pmMuch better!
Cole, Katie07:49:56 pmbetter than before discussion tonight
{Howard, Kamyala}07:49:56 pmWhat else can I answer? If you do not have any questions. I will look for your email
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:50:14 pmDid the syllabus get sent out already?
Hofmann, Alexis07:50:20 pmNothing at the moment! Thank you.
{Howard, Kamyala}07:50:52 pmNo @piyatida you will need to email me at so I can email you the updated version
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:51:21 pmyes, I sent the email already. Not sure if it was received yet?
{Howard, Kamyala}07:51:25 pmIf you didn't know you all can access the chat once I close out so you can scan the discussion for anything that you might have missed
{Howard, Kamyala}07:51:56 pmYep @piyatida. Its just me the one woman show and I am still on with you all so please give me time
Cole, Katie07:52:18 pmThank you Kamy for everything tonight!
{Howard, Kamyala}07:52:42 pmThank you all or and always feel free to contact me just give me 24-48 hours to respond
{Howard, Kamyala}07:53:00 pmI will hang on for any other questions. Otherwise have a wonderful night
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:53:17 pmSounds good! I misunderstood and thought you said it was already sent out.
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:53:39 pmThank you!
{Howard, Kamyala}07:53:43 pm@Piyatida no worries
Toby, Shirley07:57:15 pmThank you
Ritnorakan, Piyatida07:57:50 pmGoodnight!
Toby, Shirley07:58:11