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(Somali) Introduction to the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs): MN Early Learning Standards Anytime Learning I. 8. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Supervisión activa- desde la perspectiva de desarrollo ( Active Supervision A Dev.Perspective) Anytime Learning VII.B. 1. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Basics of Licensed Family Child Care for Substitutes Anytime Learning VII.A. VII.B. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Family Child Care Money Management and Retirement Anytime Learning IV.C. 5. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Healthy Homes for Child Care Anytime Learning VII.B. 1. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Oral Health: Healthy Mouths and Teeth Anytime Learning VII.A. 1. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
The Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential™: Resource Collection, Family Questionnaires, and Competency Statements Anytime Learning VI. 6. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Active Supervision: Supporting School Age Children Anytime Learning VII.B. 1. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Toosinta Qaabilsan Heerka Koriimada Ubadka (Somali- Developmentally Appropriate Behavior Guidance) Anytime Learning I. II.C. 3. 8. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
Supervisión activa - niños con necesidades especiales (Active Supervision: Children with Special Needs) Anytime Learning VII.B. 1. Jun 16, 2024 Sep 30, 2024 Log In to Register
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